

Toddlers never cease to amaze me. Isabelle has learned the power of NO, as in NO I dont want juice, No I dont want to go to bed and the ever favorite, No I dont want a diaper change. She has learned to sing...we cant quite figure out what song we are singing...but she belts it out anyway. She has learned that if she wakes up sad at night, and cries Mama...mom will come running and rock us back to sleep. We had a particullary diffcult night a few nights ago (Usually she sleeps beautifully through the night, so when she does get up, I tend to go in and check). She would wake up sad, and I would go in and rock her and cover her (and her bears) back up and off to sleep she would go. Then it takes me 45 minutes to go back to sleep, only to soon to be called back into Isabelles room with tears and more snuggling. So morning finally comes, Isabelle is in a great mood and is singing in her room, playing with her bears in bed. I feel like I haven't slept...oh wait, I didnt sleep. I go to her room and what does she say...DADDA! pointing out the door. DADDA down! (she wants to go down stairs and see if Dad is still here). I ask, can I get a good morning kiss?...the answer, NO! She seems to forgotten her nightly saviour and is more interested in Dad this morning. I give up, what does Mom have to do to get alittle recognition around here.

A little tribute to the Red Soxs making it to the World Series....


Anonymous said...

i get the same from charley. she seems to forget it's "dad-dad" who squirts her with a spray bottle as she screams for food. me? i'm the fool who works so furiously to answer the call of her every whim. maybe it's the tough love thing they crave...or maybe we shouldn't have married cute men. they get away with everything, don't they?

Stinson Family said...

You are such an awesome mom!
Can't wait to see you guys when we come up!!

Anonymous said...

I remember thinking the same thing about 25 years ago dearest daughter ... some things never change...

Ponder this....

You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act. 
 Barbara Hall, A Summons to New Orleans, 2000